Hi There!

Welcome to Care Boutique

At The Care Boutique we understand that the transition of moving towards young adulthood and into independence can be a scary thought for many young people and especially for those coming from the LAC pathway.

The Care Boutique is a regulated service providing care, support and accommodation for young people both male and female between the ages of 16-25 years of age, who are identified as in need of support and accommodation as they transition towards adulthood and gaining their independence. The accommodation is  suitable to be occupied by children aged 16-17 years or young adults aged 18 years plus.

From our tailored care plans and therapeutic support to daily living skills such as cooking, cleaning, understanding government forms, keeping appointments and attending educational and training placements. We provide a wrap around service which is aimed at empowering our youth with the skills, experience and knowledge needed to go on and live independently within the community.

Want to know more!

A Quick Glimpse

We work with young people both male and female between the ages of 16-25 years of age, who have been categorised as having emotional and behavioural difficulties.

The well-being of the young people placed in our care is paramount in all that we do. It is equally important to ensure that we understand and meet the needs of those being placed in our care. All enquiries about the service can be made to our office, and discussions held with the manager in order to provide an insight into what we can offer.