Accommodation and Support

Our accommodation service is provided at Kemsley house which is located in the borough of Kent. The property is a large family style house situated close to bus and local train routes, local shops and local shopping centre is only a few minutes away. 

Providing a positive space to grow within and gain the skills needed for independent living, Kemsley house is a 4 bedroom accommodation with a fully equipped kitchen,2 bathrooms, a living room space for socialising and a garden for outdoor activities. CCTV systems are fitted around the outside of the property and within the communal areas of the accommodation. The Care Boutiques staff are on the premises 24/7 for that extra peace of mind and to ensure we are on hand to support our young people when needed.

Frequently Asked Questions

Kemsley house is suitable to provide care, support and accommodation services and is fully compliant with all rules and regulations

The accommodation caters to 3 persons at any one time, providing each young person with a double bedroom as their own personal space. We also have a separate room for overnight staff.

We encourage where it is possible, visiting the accommodation prior to making the placement. This can help to familiarise the young person with our service and the property prior to being placed with us.

Get in Touch

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